Making a photograph involves a lot of decision making. But I've discovered this year that many tough decisions remain after the photography is finished.
The Church Project consists of approximately 4,500 images made during the three and a half years I spent photographing the rural churches of Iowa. Out of those images I wanted approximately 80-85 for a possible book. From those, I wanted to select about 45 for a slide presentation and 30 for a possible exhibit.
My first cut reduced the 4,500 exposures to 130 possible images. That was easy as many images varied only slightly in composition and while other images just didn't work. Eliminating 50 of those for a book project was a little more difficult, but not much. The pain started when I got down to the 62 images that I felt were the best of the project.
That meant 17 images that I really liked had to go to hit my slide show number. Even worse, an additional 13 that I really, really liked had to be dropped out to make an exhibit manageable, not to mention affordable. I allowed two weeks to make my final choice, but it took nearly four months.
Fortunately, I had some help. George DeWolfe, who served as a mentor for the project, was invaluable. I had also important insights from my wife, Nancy; my photo buddy, Tim; and my brother, Don, and his wife, Susan.
The choice of the final images required a name change for the project. The current project name is "Places of Spirit and Light: Exploring the Rural Churches of Iowa." Images I've picked as an exhibit can be seen at: http://larrymendenhall.zenfolio.com/placesofspiritandlight
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